How Should I Prepare for my Podiatrist Appointment?

Here at Grace Podiatry we understand the importance of foot health, and how difficult pain in your feet can disrupt your life and lifestyle whether you are young or in aged care. Because of this pain, you might have recently booked an appointment. So how do you prepare for this podiatrist appointment? 

Podiatrist Prep

What is wrong?

You wouldn’t be booking the appointment unless there was something bothering you. Try to remember and write down answers to the following questions so that your foot doctor has a better idea of the history of the issue.

  • When did you first experience foot pain?
  • How might it have occurred?
  • What were you doing? Running, exercise, pushing a trolley, stepping off a curb etc  
  • What do the symptoms feel like, and is there anything that makes them worse, or helps them? 
  • Have you had any history of pain in the foot or legs? 
  • What is the outcome you would like? To get back to running, no pain etc. 

This information will enable your foot doctor to establish what might have been the main cause of the injury, what tests they can perform to come up with an outcome, and the best method of treatment going forward. 

Ask Questions

Grace Podiatry want you to get the best outcome possible. Because of this we always recommend you ask any foot issue questions you may have. Asking questions enables us to discuss what matters to you the most in the treatment and conditions of your foot pain or issues. If there is anything that is mentioned that you don’t understand please let your foot doctor know. 

Bring Footwear and Relevant Medical Information

Sometimes in podiatry even simple things such as wearing incorrect footwear might be what is causing your foot pain. We recommend bringing your shoes (school shoes, running shoes, everyday shoes etc) so we can establish if this is what is causing the pain in your feet. We even have solutions to this with our foot orthotics.

If you have previously seen someone about your foot pain in the past it is recommended to bring in any scans, referrals or reports that are related to your symptoms or injury. On top of all this, it is important to bring with you a list of any medications you are currently taking, any surgeries you have had, and if you have any allergies. If you are a CDM/EPC patient you will require the appropriate paperwork prior to your appointment. 

Perhaps you have health insurance or are seeking a rebate. Here at Grace Podiatry, we support a wide range of private health insurance including Bupa, HBF, Medibank, HCF and more. It is recommended that you contact your health insurer prior to your appointment to discuss any limits your policy may have. You can see our list of fees here to prepare for your appointment. 

Eligible patients should discuss with My Aged Care or their Package Provider to find out how they can access our services. This is a government-subsidised service for people living in their own home. Our private fees don’t apply to you if you choose to go through a My Aged Care provider.

What Not to do

We understand you may be nervous about someone else seeing your feet. You don’t have to worry as we are professional podiatrists and see many feet of different sizes and conditions every day. Because of this, we ask that you don’t specifically go and get a pedicure or have your nails painted for your appointment. This could actually hinder your appointment and future treatment. We do however appreciate it if you wash your feet as well as possible (without causing discomfort) on the day of your appointment. 

How to book an appointment?

Perhaps you haven’t booked a podiatrist appointment yet because you aren’t prepared or aren’t able to travel to a foot doctor. Not to worry. Call Grace Podiatry today and we can discuss your concerns and organise your first-class treatment without the need to go to a clinic. Adam Preston has over 25 years of experience in the field of podiatry. Grace Podiatry is able to come to you across the Perth Metropolitan area offering you the convenience of foot care at home. Our podiatrists will come to you. What could be easier! 

Health Funds & Rebates

To get started with Mobile Podiatry Care at Home call 0411 220 967.

Call 0411 220 967